<마감> 2013 AOTrauma Asia Pacific RESEARCH GRANTS > Research 안내

Research 안내
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<마감> 2013 AOTrauma Asia Pacific RESEARCH GRANTS

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일13-12-03 16:55 조회8,456회 댓글1건




1. The AOTrauma Asia Pacific (AOTAP) Research Grants is funded by the AOTAP, Asia Pacific Region of AO Foundation, a Swiss non-profit organization. The Research Grants has an independent review board and supports projects dealing with trauma, surgery of the loco-motor system, and related basic and clinical research. Its mission is to provide projects with “seed”
money and not to be a source of ongoing funding for established laboratories.

2. The application must be submitted in English on the form provided. It should not exceed 10 pages, including enclosures. This allows adequate evaluation regarding relevance, quality and cost of the project. The application should also include an abstract that will be published on the AO Foundation & AOTrauma website if the project is accepted (maximum 2,500 characters, to be mailed to AOTAP office).

3. The applicant or one of the applicants of the research group MUST be an AOTAP Committee member or AOTAP faculty.

4. The deadlines for Research Grants applicants are June 30, 2013. Decisions will be communicated within 5 months after the submission deadline.

5. A one-year stand alone funding up to CHF8,000 will be given. It is the responsibility of the successful applicant(s) to submit a 1-year report to AOTAP as record. For continuation of an ongoing research project, a formal application is necessary, together with an activity report of the previous period.

6. By policy, salaries for the principal investigator are not supported and no overhead contributions are made to the submitting organization. Additional funding from other AO institutions or other sources must be disclosed.

7. SYNTHES implants or instruments included in the research project have to be specified and priced separately. For administrative reasons, they must be purchased from the local Synthes distributor. When ordering, reference to the accepted AOTAP Research Project should be made.

8. The following topics should be covered in the application (MAXIMUM 10 PAGES):
     1. Project Title
     2. Rationale
     3. Objective and Success Criteria
     4. Hypothesis, open questions
     5. Method: Detailed research plan –
            a. Material
            b. Methodology
            c. Data analysis / Statistics
     6. Literature, relevance of the project
     7. Time table (milestones, pilot study, main study)
     8. Applicant(s): Project leader, Co-applicant(s) - including
            a. Surname
            b. First name
            c. Academic degree
            d. Institution
            e. Contact details
            f. Past research experience
(**One of the applicants must be an AOTAP Committee member or AOTAP Faculty)
     9. Finance (All amount requested in Swiss Francs)
            a. Personnel
            b. Material
            c. Travel and Accommodations

9. Support can only be granted if the conditions on the last page are fully accepted and the contract
is signed.

10. The financial support by AOTrauma Asia Pacific of the AO Foundation MUST be mentioned in
abstracts and publications in a footnote of all publications and presentations regarding the granted
project in the following manner:
“This project (no. ..) was wholly / partially supported by AOTrauma Asia Pacific of the AO Foundation.”

All applications should be submitted to (postal applications are also accepted):
Ms. Jennifer Hung
AOTrauma Asia Pacific
Unit 2605, Miramar Tower, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 852 2581-1779
Fax: 852 2581-1772


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서울특별시 송파구 올림픽로43길 88, 서울아산병원 정형외과 내 / 이메일: aotraumakorea@gmail.com

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